Antique American Flags A website dedicated to the history, restoration, preservation and collecting of antique American flags. Collecting Antique American Flags Books: COLLECTING ANTIQUE AMERICAN FLAGS Collins, Herbert Ridgeway: “Threads
of History: Americana Recorded on Cloth, 1775 to the Present”, 1979 Keim, Peter: “A Grand Old Flag: A History
of the United States Through Its Flags”, 2007 Pierce, Richard: “The Stars and Stripes:
Fabric of the American Spirit”, 2005. HISTORY - ADVANCED HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FLAG Moeller, Henry W.: “Shattering an American Myth: Unfurling the History of the Stars and Stripes”, 1992. Notes: Explores the origin of flags as signals and the relationship to the origin of the American flag. Richardson, Edward W.: "Standards & Colors of the American Revolution" Notes: “Probably the best book available on our colonial & revolutionary colors, especially regimental banners,” says antique American flag dealer, Jeff Bridgman. Out of print. HISTORY - BASIC AMERICAN FLAG-RELATED HISTORY & FACTS – ADULTS Britton, Tamara L.: “American Flag”, 2002 Notes: Covers the history of the flag and some of the controversy concerning Francis Scott Key and the Star Spangles Banner. Singleton, David: “Honor Our Flag: How To Care For, Fly, And Otherwise Respect The Stars And Stripes”, 2001 Sharpman.com: “The Care and Display of the American Flag”, 2004. Sherr, Lynn: “America The Beautiful”, 2001 Notes: ABC News correspondent Lynn Sherr explores the fascinating true story behind our unofficial national anthem. Thompson, Sarah L.: “Stars and Stripes : The Story of the American Flag”, 2002 Notes: An introduction to the history of the flag from colonial times to the present. HISTORY - BASIC AMERICAN FLAG-RELATED HISTORY & FACTS – CHILDREN Wallner, Alexandra: “Betsy Ross”, 1998 Notes: A children’s text that account the true history of Betsy Ross and what is known about her relationship with the making of early American flags. GIFT BOOKS – ATTRACTIVE BOOKS THAT MAKE GREAT GIFTS Harding, Deborah: “Stars and Stripes: Patriotic Motifs in American Folk Art”, 2002. Notes: One of the best books available on antique American folk art that contains images of the flag. A beautiful book, a useful reference, and a great gift. Hinrichs, Kit: "Long May She Wave", 2001. Notes: “A must-have reference for the collecting of flags and patriotic materials”, says antique American flag dealer Jeff Bridgman. “The book is the most beautiful on the market, a triumph in printing design, and makes a tremendous gift for both the serious and casual flag lover.” Mastai, Boleslaw and Marie-Louise D-O'trange: "The Stars and Stripes". 1973. Reprinted 2000. Notes: Arguably the bible of flag collecting. Not necessarily the most accurate text, but without doubt the best pictorial reference. |